
Vikings, Sword of Odin (Played by Gabriel Byrne) & Vikings, Cross Guards and Pommels, Season 1

At Bronze Art, we have made various sword parts  for the hugely popular Vikings Series which is made in Ireland we are lucky to have been asked to work with the talented team led by John McKenna at the Armoury Department at Ashford Studios in Wicklow.

Usually John would provide us with a finished prop ready for moulding and then casting into bronze.These hero props are usually sent back to the armoury department where jewels are set and final weathering is done. We have also fitted some of the blades provided by the armoury department in the past which included the amazing  steel blade of “The Sword Of Odin ” that Gabriel Byrne had in the season.

We also cast in Bronze an exquisite sword from the series that Ragnar appears with at the end of season 2.

The advantage of making the cross guards and Pommels in Bronze is that they hold up to the general wear and tear of film work where as a resin copy would be damaged and have to be replaced on many occasions.